I started going back to the mat after a 6 months hiatus, realising that I’m no worse for wear, I hadn’t really ‘degenerated’ in skills, nor have I ‘improved’. These are all perceptive anyway.

Being away for 6 months helps to gives me that choice and perspective to choose Aikido, that means I am not ‘addicted’ to it, nor am I doing it out of convenience or that I have something to prove. It’s a choice for me to go back to the mat and it was a good decision.

I’ve taken breaks in the past, when I got married, changed a job or simply don’t have money for mat fees (although Harry sensei did told me to come even when I was cash strapped). This time the break was more deliberate and it was a good time away from Aikido.

What did I miss?

While I go back to the mat, I realised that there is a certain value I bring back to the mat, and with my fellow friends, we all collectively carry some parts of Harry Sensei’s teaching with us, and when we all come together to train, we remember him a little bit. By being the oldest student on the mat with about 3 decades worth of Aikido, predominantly under Harry sensei’s tutelage, perhaps I have the most of his memory with me and to share on the mat.

Giving it back

Walking away from training for the past 6 months means nothing actually happened, I didn’t contribute to the mat, nor did anyone misses me, I literally became an ex-Aikidoka (if there is ever such a term)? I was busy with other things, which I can continue to be busy with, and completely walk away from Aikido.

Returning to the mat, means I can continue to give back, now that Harry sensei is no longer here, it means that it is up to me and the few of my friends to continue his style and his ethos.

Becoming an Aikidoka again

I’m glad my friends welcomed me like I have never left, and it was great to be in the midst of good company, rolling, training and exploring Aikido. We train like peers on the mat, all as equals, keeping any egotistical differences aside and really work on improving our own techniques and protecting the harmony we treasure, on the mat and off the mat.

We have all picked up where we left off with gusto and positivity looking away from our brief tumultuous past; continuing to honor Harry sensei’s good memories, at the same time charting ahead with renewed strength and vigor.

Here’s to more good times ahead! 頑張れ!!!

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